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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
Donations to this fund support our Civic Leader Scholarships program along with our joint scholarship program with Sandhills Community College. Finalists for the Civic Leadership Scholarship are selected based on elements of leadership (initiative, responsibility, resiliency, honesty, creativity, and enthusiasm). As well as exhibiting good communication, and problem-solving skills while remaining active in both school and community and maintaining a high academic average.
US$1,187.74 received toward our goal of US$3,000.00
Donations support the work of the LWV of Moore Co to "Empower Voters and Defend Democracy".Donations include "sponsors" of Annual Inspired Women’s luncheon our signature fundraising event.
This fund helps support the league's efforts in this year's election cycle through various league activities involving post card mailings and in keeping voters updated on the most recent changes to voting regulations.

Find Us:


League of Women Voters
of Moore County

PO Box 421
West End, NC  27376