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Date: 3/13/2023
Subject: March 2023 Newsletter
From: LWVMC Communications
MARCH 2023

  • Lunch with Legends
  • Board Member Recruitment
  • April Environmental Events
  • New Member Shoutout
  • Sandhills Coalition for Peace, Love, & Justice
  • Women's History Month: Mileva (Mitza) Marić
  • Trip to International Civil Rights Center & Museum

Wed, Mar 22, 11:30 a.m.
Lunch with Legends
Tues, March 21  
Board Member Opportunities
Zoom meeting
Tues, April 18 
April League Lunch at SCC
Saturday, April 22 Earth Day
Weymouth Woods 
Party for the Pine

LWL Cropped 2023 Flyer FINAL

Tickets $50 per person

Purchase online at 
by cash, check or credit card plus fees.
Money raised from this fundraiser will support our mission of
Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy.

Our Lunch with Legends is only a week away.

This is a little nudge in case you have not yet purchased your ticket to please do so.

The Country Club of North Carolina will be the perfect backdrop for our iconic event.

If you cannot attend, may we suggest supporting the event with an Angel Scholarship Fund donation?  Both the ticket purchase and/or the donation can be done by going to our website and clicking on the appropriate buttons. (You will see the blue "Make A Donation" button following the ticket information.)
We have exciting raffle items, including exceptional rounds of golf for two and a lunch voucher at Country Club of North Carolina. Bring cash or checks for tickets – 1 for $10.00/3 for $25.00.

This is Lunch with Legends’ fifteenth anniversary. Celebrate that milestone on Wednesday, March 22.

Volunteer Search

Might you be interested in serving on the

Board of Directors for the LWV Moore County ???
Curious about what the Board does and
what is expected of Board members?
Email President Peggy Crawford and request a link
to a special Zoom meeting on Tuesday, March 21.

No obligation, just information!
New faces, new ideas, and new energy
are welcome on the Board of Directors

April Environmental Events
April 18 League Lunch Meeting at Sandhills Community College
11:00 - noon at BPAC: renouned horticulturalist Tony Avent
Noon: League meeting in the Horticultural Center at SCC
Lunch: Environmentally-friendly locally-sourced lunch - $20
Presentations and a Panel: Focus on plastics
Optional guided tour of the Sandhills Gardens
Earth Day 2023 Logo

April 22  Earth Day

Weymouth Woods Party for the Pine

 475th birthday celebration of the oldest Longleaf Pine

The League will host a tent, including a Voting Booth for children.

Read 'The Brutal Legacy of the Longleaf Pine'

Mark your calendars – Details and times will follow! 

New Member Robin Calcut

Robin Calcutt

Robin is a second-generation native of Moore County whose great-grandparents moved from Worcester, Massachusetts, to Southern Pines in the early 1900s. Her father, Robert Viall, retired as the Pinehurst fire chief and her mother, Matel Viall, taught at Pinehurst School, then Pinehurst Elementary, for over thirty years. Robin currently serves as department chair and assistant professor of teacher education with St. Andrews University after an earlier career in education with the Moore County Schools. Robin and her husband, Randy, live in Southern Pines and have three adult daughters and two granddaughters. She enjoys reading, boating, gardening, and cheering on local sports teams. With the League, she hopes to help in the schools to register new voters and to serve as an education advocate for democracy.

New Men Anne Friesen

Anne Friesen

A Moore County resident for more than fifty years, Anne Friesen recently retired as the executive director at Friend to Friend, a nonprofit shelter and advocacy program that helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking rebuild their lives. She currently volunteers internationally as a consultant with a human trafficking shelter in Ethiopia. Additionally, she oversees a virtual research portal on human trafficking called The Human Trafficking For fun, she is taking beekeeping and art classes. Anne and her husband have three adult children who grew up in Moore County. With the League, she looks forward to attending events and meetings and getting to know other women who want to work together for positive change.

Jan Ryder Eldridge

Jan Ryder Eldridge and her husband moved to Pinehurst in the fall of 2022. She is a retired English teacher and vision specialist, and her husband is a retired TV journalist, serving for fifty years in Seattle. They have three adult children, aged 37, 27, and 23. Jan is a horse person, a musician, and a painter. 

Newly Formed Coalition Stands Against Hate and Discrimination

The Sandhills Coalition for Peace, Love and Justice's mission is to send a clear message that hate has no place in Moore County.  The newly-formed, nonpartisan, Coalition was instrumental in bringing to the forefront the importance of standing up against hate and discrimination.
If you are interested in being a part of this Coalition, you may complete the form below to show your interest in and support of the Sandhills Coalition for Peace, Love and Justice.
The Coalition invites you to the first general membership meeting at 3 pm on Sunday, March 19.  The Meeting will be held at the Sandhills Jewish Congregation located at 131 Jackson Springs Rd. in Jackson Springs.
Additionally, the Coalition is planning a forum led by the Community Relations Service (CRS) of the U.S. Department of Justice.  CRS is the only federal agency dedicated to working with community groups to "resolve community conflicts and prevent and respond to hate crimes arising from difference of race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or disability."
All citizens of the community will be invited to attend as well as key political, faith, business and law-enforcement leaders.
Additional information on this event will be provided in the April Newsletter.
You can register your support of the Sandhills Coalition for Peace, Love and Justice and join the mailing list, by completing the form link below.
Barbara Rothbeind
Sandhills Jewish Congregation
Charles Oldham
Sandhills Pride
O'Linda Watkins-McSurely
Moore County NAACP

Who Knew???

Albert Einstein’s first wife Mileva (Mitza)
Marić was also a brilliant physicist. They
met at the Polytechnic Institute of
Zurich, where she had fought for special
permissions to attend and where she
received higher marks than Albert.
Mitza put in as much if not more work on
their theories but wasn’t credited
because Albert told her their works
wouldn’t get published with a woman’s
name on them. Many of his lecture
notes are in Mitza’s handwriting, and
Albert was once heard at a party saying,
“I need my wife, she helps solve all of
my mathematical problems.” 80% of
Einstein’s famous works were published
during this marriage, referred to as his
“magic years.” Those magic years
ended abruptly after they divorced due
to his infidelity and abandonment.

Happy Women’s History Month!

Trip to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum

Twelve members and friends of LWVMC traveled to Greensboro on a beautiful spring day on Feb 21 to visit the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.  A filmed version of the staff guided tour was followed by a walk through of the museum.  We then enjoyed a group lunch at The Art of the Taco and took a short walk to the Guilford County Courthouse to view the monument and marker in honor of Gertrude Weil-founder of the LWV of North Carolina.  It was an educational, sobering and fun day.

LWV Moore County
LWV North Carolina
LWV United States - National
Moore County Board of Elections

Find Us:


League of Women Voters
of Moore County

PO Box 421
West End, NC  27376